Dr. Joel Niklaus
PhD Candidate NRP77 "Open Justice vs. Privacy"
- joel.niklaus@unibe.ch
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- University of Berne
Research Center for Digital Sustainability
Schützenmattstrasse 14
CH - 3012 Bern - private website
- www.linkedin.com/in/joelniklaus/
Joel Niklaus is a PhD student in the research project NRP77 "Open Justice vs. Privacy" at the Digital Sustainability Research Center at the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Bern. His work focuses on the anonymization and de-anonymization of court decisions. Joel Niklaus graduated in 2019 from the University of Bern with a Master's degree in Computer Science with a focus on Data Science and Sports Science. In his master thesis, he worked out artificial intelligence for Jass on the level of strong amateur players. From 2016 - 2020 he was a lecturer for ICT and the compulsory subject of computer science at Swiss high schools.
How to find me on the internet and social media:
Website, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, GitHub
I am currently looking for collaborators on the Swiss Court Rulings Corpus project. Please drop me an email if you are interested.
Research Interests
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Text Classification
- Legal NLP
- Legal Judgment Prediction
- Legal Criticality Prediction
- Legal Information Retrieval
- Game AIs
- Imperfect Information Games
- Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
- Reinforcement Learning (RL)
Very good visualizations about Natural Language Processing Methods:
Very good articles about Machine Learning in general:
- J Niklaus, I Chalkidis, M Stürmer "Swiss-Judgment-Prediction: A Multilingual Legal Judgment Prediction Benchmark" - International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (Presentation)
- C Krebs, M Falkner, J Niklaus, L Persello, S Klöppel, T Nef, P Urwyler "Application of Eye Tracking in Puzzle Games for Adjunct Cognitive Markers: Pilot Observational Study in Older Adults" - JMIR serious games 9
- J Niklaus, M Alberti, R Ingold, M Stolze, T Koller "Challenging Human Supremacy: Evaluating Monte Carlo Tree Search and Deep Learning for the Trick Taking Card Game Jass" - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
- J. Niklaus, M. Alberti, V. Pondenkandath, R. Ingold, M. Liwicki "Survey of Artificial Intelligence for Card Games and Its Application to the Swiss Game Jass" SDS 2019 - 6th Swiss Conference on Data Science
- Z. Zhao, J. Carrera, J. Niklaus, T. Braun "Machine Learning-Based Real-Time Indoor Landmark Localization" WWIC 2018 - International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communication
For a complete, up-to-date list, please find me on Google Scholar.
- Pretrained Language Models @ CAS Advanced Machine Learning: Introduction to NLP, Bern, 2nd of February 2022
- Swiss-Judgment-Prediction: A Multilingual Legal Judgment Prediction Benchmark @ AI and Law Conference by recode.law, online, 20th of January 2022
- Swiss-Judgment-Prediction: A Multilingual Legal Judgment Prediction Benchmark @ Digitale Texte im Dialog, Bern, 20th of October 2021 (Slides, NLP Basics Colab, NLP Training NER Colab)
- ESRA: An End-to-End System for Re-Identification and Anonymization of Swiss Court Decisions @ Doctoral Consortium International Conference for Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL), 25th June 2021
- Pediatric Boneage Prediction @ PyData Zurich, November 2018 (GitHub Repository)
- ESRA: An End-to-End System for Re-Identification and Anonymization of Swiss Court Decisions @ Bern Data Science Day, 23th April 2021, Bern, online (Poster)
- SCRC: Swiss Court Ruling Corpus @ Bern Data Science Day, 23th April 2021, Bern, online (Poster)
- ESRA: An End-to-End System for Re-identification and Anonymization for Swiss Court Rulings @ Advanced Language Processing Winter School (ALPS) 2021, January 2021
- Challenging Human Supremacy: Evaluating Monte Carlo Tree Search and Deep Learning for the Trick Taking Card Game Jass @ AAAI Workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Games (RLG), February 2020 (Poster)
- Comparing Learning and Search Algorithms in the Swiss Card Game Jass @ Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD), January 2020
Topics for Bachelor- and Master Theses
Please find available topics here. In case you have your own ideas related to my research interests feel free to drop me an email. I am looking forward to hearing from you.