Research Center for Digital Sustainability

NLP Seminar Autumn 2024

Time: every Friday from 10:15h until 12:00h
Location: Room 105 at the University Bern main building, Hochschulstrasse 4, Bern
ILIAS Course:
KSL Entry:

Responsible for the seminar: PD Dr. Matthias Stürmer
Main lecturer of the seminar: Luca Rolshoven

This seminar offers a conceptual and practical introduction to modern-day Natural Language Processing (NLP). The covered NLP techniques include the latest advancements such as transformer architectures, BERT, Large Language Models (LLMs), and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), alongside foundational methods like Bag-of-Words (BoW), TF-IDF, and word2vec. Some lectures are featured by guest speakers from academia or industry, giving additional perspectives to the students.

Before each session, students have to study the reading material and prepare questions for discussion. This engagement will deepen the understanding and foster analytical skills. Additionally, participants will undertake a project in the realm of NLP, which they will present at the end of the seminar.

This seminar is mandatory for all students conducting a bachelor's or master's thesis at the Research Center for Digital Sustainability.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will …

  • know the most important methods of NLP
  • be able to understand papers in the field of NLP
  • have planned, executed and presented a project in the field of NLP
  • have developed your presentation skills
  • be able to understand and critically comment on the presentations of your fellow students


Schedule 2024



Reading Material

Guest Speaker

20 September 2024

Introduction to NLP



27 September 2024

Text Preprocessing and Language Basics

NLP Course - Tokenizers (Hugging Face NLP Course)
Tokenizers Quicktour (Hugging Face Tokenizers Library)

Veton Matoshi, Researcher at Bern University of Applied Sciences

4 October 2024

Classical Machine Learning for NLP

Analyzing Documents with TF-IDF (Tutorial)
Sentiment Analysis Using Naive Bayes (Course Notes)


11 October 2024

Word Embeddings and Vector Space Models

Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space (word2vec Paper)
Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe Paper)
Deep Contextualized Word Representations (ELMo Paper)

Prof. Dr. Gerold Schneider, Professor of Computational Linguistics and Head of LiRI NLP group at University of Zürich

18 October 2024

Transformer Architecture

Attention is All You Need (Transformer Paper)
The Illustrated Transformer (Blog Post)


25 October 2024

Introduction to Student Project



1 November 2024


Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training (GPT Paper)
BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding (Paper)

Leandro von Werra, Chief Loss Officer at Hugging Face

8 November 2024

LLM Inference

Flash Attention 3 (Blog Post)
A Guide to Quantization in LLMs (Blog Post)
Fast Inference from Transformers via Speculative Decoding (Paper)

vLLM (Blog Post)
Text Generation Inference (TGI; Hugging Face Library)


15 November 2024


Understanding Parameter-Efficient Finetuning of Large Language Models: From Prefix Tuning to LLaMA-Adapters (Blog Post)
SFT Trainer (Huggingface TRL Library)
Understanding Mixed Precision Training (Blog Post)


22 November 2024


The Alignment Handbook (Alignment Training Recipes)

Lewis Tunstall, LLM Engineering & Research at Hugging Face

29 November 2024

NLP in Industry

(Will be updated soon)

Flurin Gishamer, Senior Data Scientist at Open Systems

6 December 2024

Large Language Models and Applications

A Comprehensive Overview of Large Language Models (paper)

Prof. Dr. Marcel Gygli, Professor for AI in the Public Sector at Bern University of Applied Sciences

13 December 2024

Advanced Topics and Emerging Trends

(Will be updated soon)


20 December 2024

Student Project Presentations
